April 4, 2019

How to increase CTR’s and improve Relevance Scores on Facebook?

by | Marketing News

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Looking to increase your Facebook CTR’s and improve Relevance Scores? Good. You’re on the right track. And we’re here to help.

What is Facebook Relevance Score?

Your relevance score is a number from 1-10 (1 lowest – 10highest) and is shown on your dashboard after your ad exceeds500 Impressions. Your relevance score is based on Facebook thinks your audience will react to your ad. Facebook factors is in expected positive and negative feedback to determine the score.

Factors that affect Relevance score

  • Positive Facebook. Including Shares – Likes – Clicks – Engage with content.
  • Negative feedbacks. Including hiding Ads and choosing to stop being served ads.
  • How specific ad targeting is
  • Image quality
  • Message quality

Your Facebook relevance score lower your cost of advertising. Achieving the perfect 10 is rarely seen by advertisers, aiming for 5 and above should be the target goal of new campaigns.

How to Improve Facebook Ad Relevance Score | 13 Steps

1. Know your Facebook Audience

Targeting the right audience is key for driving positive engagement. For this, we recommend conducting audience research and creating buyer personas. Facebook Insights is a good starting point to learn about your audience base. If there are any obvious patterns you will find them here. When analysing your audience think of:

  • Demographics (age, gender, work, education, family status, income levels)
  • What do these people do? Problems,  interests, needs, wants, desires…
  • What feedback do they give? What do they think they want?

2. Target your Audiences on specific days

Targeting audiences when they are most likely to engage is critical. Look at your account engagement and conversion history, see what days and times have driven most action. For consumer based offers, starting promotions on Thursday is often recommended by advertisers. Whereas, Tuesday is the recommended day for B2B audiences.

3. Use Conversion (event) Based Lookalike Audiences

Conversions (events) are one of the most effective look-alike audience group segments. With the Facebook Pizel and conversion tracking, you can record actions that matter most and expand on these.  Use the 1% lookalike audience size for increased relevance.

Other useful lookalike audience strategies include:

  • Database lookalike audiences (emails, CRM data)
  • Even Page Attendees Lookalikes
  • Page/Specific Post engagement based lookalikes

4. A/B Test and Optimise

Testing different setups take time but are necessary if you want to see results. Some split testing ideas include:

  • Audience segments
  • Images
  • Headlines / Copy
  • Placements
  • Formats
  • Maximum Bids
  • CPC vs Impression

5. Use Relevant Images

It is believed that visuals account for 70% of the clicks generated. Make sure your images are of high quality to improve your relevance score. Some element worth considering are:

  • Using clear, crisp, high-quality images
  • Use a clear Call to Action (CTA)
  • Do NOT  exceed 20% tet rule
  • Consider using image slideshows or videos

Facebook’s Placement Asset Customization tool lets you tailor creative assets to each of your placements. Make the best use of this tool for improving the user experience.

6. Re-target on Facebook with Impact

Re-targeting is a key element for converting audiences and improving ad engagement on Facebook. However, be cautious about the customer buying cycle. For a luxury product, the conversion cycle may take time, therefor retargeting for a longer period of time will be suitable. For lower-priced products, it makes more sense to re-target for shorter time spans.

Retargeting campaigns tend to generate higher CTR’s than prospecting campaigns. Facebook rewards this with increasing relevance scores.

7. Ensure Ad Content matches audience expectations

Relevance is key. Estimate what stage of the customer journey you are targeting and build content tailored to the needs. As an example follow the below steps:

  • For Cold Leads Offer–> Cheat sheets, Tool Kits, Calendars, Podcasts, White Papers, Infographics
  • For Warm Leads Offer –> Video content, live demos, tickets, giveaways, coupons, demos
  • For Hot Leads Offer –> Trials, demos, purchase messages

8. Create Sexy Ad Copy

Relevant content drives engagement. Sexy content converts. Some points to remember:

Make ad copy about your customer. Speak how you will benefit them (i.e. use the word YOU)

  • Find the unique value proposition. Identify what your customer willy click
  • Use catchy headlines. try variations. Trial free online tools. They even claim odd numbered headlines drive higher CTR’s.
  • Use a clear Call To Action (CTA). Direct the user to an action (i.e. Buy now, Sign up, etc.)

9. Watch out for Ad Fatigue.

Keep a close eye on how many times the audience sees your ad. An ad frequency of 5 is suggested to be maximum for a set period of time. Any higher can trigger negative brand feelings.

10. Trial Different Placements Individually

Compare and contrast how placements work for you. CPC’s and Engagements can vary drastically across platforms. Savvy marketeers build different copy and messaging based on creative opportunities. Explore this for your product.

11. Use Video

Videos are proven to capture higher engagement rates. This will directly improve the Quality Scores of your ads.

12. Start Establishing a Sales Funnel – Segment your audiences

Separate your audiences based on how they engage with your content. This can involve targeting users who have watched your videos, engaged with a post, clicked through to the website, completed form and so on.

For an education client we setup a basic funnel as below and targeted tailored content for each stage…

Cold Leads –> Segment users who watched 25% of promotional video

Warm Leads –> Target people who have visited the web page and clicked on course fee and subjects pages

Hot Lead –> Target students who have started application and/or enquired

13. Engage with your Ad

Facebook sets the ad relevance score after the first 500 impressions. Although not proven to full extent, it’s likely the algorithm will reward you if you drive a positive sentiment score and high CTR from the start of the campaign.  If you can get your team to like and share your content.

These 13 steps will enable your targeting capabilities and will offer you valuable campaign insights. Keep us posted with the results!



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