April 5, 2019

How to find Hash Tags for Social Media Growth | 6 Tips

by | Featured, Marketing News

Paid advertising can only get you so far. At some point, you will have to tap into the organic market and engage audiences. In this article, we have summarised 6 key strategies to find trending hashtags for social media growth.

How to Find Trending HashTags for Social Media Growth | 6 Tips

  1. Find what hashtags other influencers are using

Influencers are a good place to begin your research.  It’s more than likely they have conducted their own research and have trialled the best combinations that generate traffic for them. Instagram is the best place to check this.

Instagram –> Search for Keyword –> Under tags click # –> see what has been searched for.

2. Use RiteTag

RiteTag is a very useful tool that offers a great capacity of research free of charge.

  • Search for trending hashtags around the world
  • Get recommendations for if hashtags that will work now or in the long run.
  • Use the chrome plugin to generate hashtag ideas

3. Try HasTagify.me

Hastagify is another powerful # research tool that offers cool free functions.

  • Search for what hashtags other influencers are using
  • Find trending hashtags

4. Twitter Trending Trends

Another free yet powerful research tool is Twitter. Using the trending trends you can find hashtags that are most active. The tool allows you to search for local and global trends.

5. Use your own Ideas

This is the cheapest and often the most effective method. You know your product better than any other tool. Think what relevant hashtags your audience may be using. Make a list. Brainstorm. Check volumes and trial them in your content.

Trial the above suggestions and experiment with content. You will be surprised how well some tags work in capturing attention and traffic. We recommend building a spreadsheet of hashtags, where you can keep a record of keyword themes and performances.

Good luck and remember this is a timely journey that requires patience.



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